For a poem guy,
Maybe i couldnt write you a poem, but i wrote this letter for you.

So, how is it going? How does it feel? How does that pain feel? I hope youre enjoying it. I knew you'll like it. It hurts at first. But just let it flow, or maybe if you want just feel it deeply, and you'll know that pain feels so good. Its normal. For abnormal. Unfortunately, i cant feel it anymore. There will be no more pain. Or joy. Or maybe that effin happiness. There is no feeling anymore inside of me. Do you know why? It was killed by you. Remember, huh? Unlucky for us. You cant hurt me anymore. It wont hurt and heal. Its over. But wait, are we over yet? No. Not yet. Its too earlier to end it. Its not wrong if i give you another more chance, but really? Are you sure? Do you know what are you going into with? Its not your "EASY" deal boy. You'll face your hardest moments, because i will wake your nightmare up. They will come to you and haunt you for the next couple days. Or weeks. Or months. Or years. I would love to be your nightmare but i dont have time for that. Too sad. Too bad. Sorry if i break you apart, but thats your risk. Ive been there. Once again, it will feels so good. Someday. 

Your "letter" dearest girl

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