A walking dead

Yeah. That's what I am now. I'm moving, but I had no soul that lives in. My feeling has dead last evening. I dont know which one is real, dream, fact, or fiction. I dont know what is right and wrong. I couldn't hold any longer.

"And when the clock strike to twelve,
Will you find another boy to kiss and tell?
Cause you know I never will."
Five Minute To Midnight - Boys Like Girls


Dear my dear,

This letter is about my apologize. Yes, I want to tell the truth about what have been sounding in my head lately, all this time.

Maybe I've said that I will forget it all. My pain, and yours. Your fault, and my fault. But those things can't get out of my mind. It's always sounding and sounding in my head. And it's like teasing me that I'm not your best friend, your best girl. The best girl you've ever met. The fact is: I am not. Maybe I've said that we're gonna make a new life of us. But the only thing that I can't deny, You deserve someone better than me. You do.

Siberian Husky!

D0 you know why do I want this dog so much? Because:

1) When they were still young, they were such cute little puppies

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2) And when they were all grown up, they became a handsome dogs. They're timeless to me.

3) They are sooooo adoreable, warm, and lovely. Because they are family dogs.

4) And the last reason is................................................

THEY ARE HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Los Angeles, CA

So, we lost our icon. Yep Michael Jackson. He is one of my dad's friend so my family go to LA this morning. And my mom and her BEP too. And also Bam, he came with Missy his wife. We'll gather the ceremony of his death. Adam and TBS just released their new album so they will be here too in an hour. It's a sad day for California because we lost two of our stars, Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawchett. RIP for them both. I'm going to dress up :'(

Los Angeles, CA. Mom's old house.
From our deepest sympathy, Travolta.

If friendship never die, then love is:

Finally, I found the right word to describe the best what love is. Hell yeah!

Rana said: "If loving you is a wrong, I don't want to be right...."

Holiday - Boys Like Girls

When I was younger I used to be wild
As wild as an elephant's child
No one could hold me down
No one could keep me around
Now it's your turn, take a shot
Baby show me everything that you got
Maybe you can keep me alive
Maybe you can get in my mind
But it's only a matter of time
I don't think I'll ever change
I think I'm gonna stay the same

A new starts
I've broken too many hearts
And I don't have ny clue where to go
I don't know

(FYI, this is my life at all. It's a fact)
All of the wasted time
The Hours that we're left behind
The answer that we'll never find
They don't mean a thing tonight


Well, I found this thing when I was searching for Disenchanted lyrics, by My Chemical Romance. Touche.

"the guy loved a depressed girl. but how can he continue loving her if she can't love her own self. he's been trying to build her up but still, she's the one who makes her own life complicated. "she doesn't learn a goddamn thing", until he gave up and let her find her own way."

Angkatan 5, angkatanku; keluargaku :')

Hari pertama entah tanggal berapa aku sudah lupa, aku turun dari mobil ku dan menuju ke lobby depan, melihat papan masuk kelas manakah aku. Berebut, Berdesak2an dengan yang lain. Beberapa di antara mereka sangat aku kenal. Namun sebagian nya lagi, aku bahkan tidak tahu siapa nama mereka. Tampang nya tidak ada yang familier. Aku sendiri merasa ragu-ragu bisa kah aku berteman dengan mereka semua? Bisakah aku menghafal nama mereka semua? Kalau dipikir, mereka akan bersama ku 3 tahun. Waktu yang sangat cukup untuk mengenal mereka semua. 1 tahun terlewati, kita mulai saling mengenal. Kita bermain bersama, belajar, bercanda, berbagi senang, atau kesal. Tangis atau tawa. Manis atau pahit--------ralat, ganti kata "atau" dengan kata "dan" , karena tidak dapat dipungkiri, kita saling membagi keduanya bersama-sama. Aku masih menunggu kapan aku menjadi seorang anak kelas 3, karena tidak ada yang suka untuk menjadi yang paling junior di suatu lingkungan. Aku membayangkan bentangan bulan selama 3 tahun; 36 bulan? 1095 hari? Aku HARUS menunggu selama itu? Tidak mungkin.Tahun kedua, kita lebih saling mengenal, dan mulai merasa dekat satu sama lain. Mulai terasa kita hampir melewati itu semua. Dan kita sudah menjadi senior, walaupun masih menjadi junior. Tidak sedikit yang kita lewati, dan hari-hari ku pun mulai berubah. Aku sudah terbiasa melihat mereka semua di pagi hari, setiap hari. Sehingga terasa aneh jika tidak ada wajah-wajah mereka semua. Wajah teman-temanku, sahabatku; keluargaku. Tahun ketiga, dan disitulah aku sadar sesuatu yang sangat jelas: Tidak ada tahun kedua lagi. Yang aku barusan lewati adalah 2 tahun terakhir ku bersama mereka, bukan tahun pertama atau kedua. Aku tidak akan dapat 2 tahun terakhir itu lagi. Dan sekarang, hanya tinggal setahun lagi aku bersama keluarga besarku ini. Entah bagaimana rasanya aku baru sadar ketika waktuku hanya tinggal setahun lagi. Bagaimana caranya aku dapat mempertahankan ini semua. Dan satu hal lagi, satu hal brengsek yang baru aku sadari di tahun terakhirku: Aku TAU mereka semua, tapi belum KENAL mereka semua. Kenapa aku baru bisa menikmati hidup di saat aku HARUS berpisah dengan mereka? Tidakkah ada yang bisa memutar ulang sekali saja? 58 anak? Lima puluh tujuh wajah yang akan sangat kurindukan, bagian dari hidupku, darah dagingku. Merekalah hari-hari normalku yang memang seharusnya ada. Sedih, pasti. Tapi satu hal senang yang sangat besar akan mereka: senangnya bisa bersama mereka 3 tahun. 3 tahun yang cepat. Sialan. Rasanya baru beberapa hari yang lalu aku menghitung hari yang sangat panjang yang harus ku lewati, yang ternyata anugerah untukku. Yang mestinya dalam satu hari itu aku bisa kenal beberapa dari mereka, tapi hanya sebagian yang bisa ku kenal baik. 3 tahun untuk selamanya. 3 tahun nyata yang kini hanya akan bisa hidup di dalam ingatan ku. Bisakah aku mengulang lagi? Sekali saja. Tolong. Hari terakhir, wajah-wajah asing dulu, sekarang adalah wajah-wajah keluargaku. Dan harus berpisah lagi, dan menemui wajah-wajah asing lagi, memulai 3 tahun yang lain lagi.....dan merasa seperti ini lagi? Harusnya hidup memang seperti itu, tapi kenapa aku tidak mau? Akankah aku bertemu mereka lagi? Dan seandainya aku yang tidak bisa, maukah kalian--lima puluh tujuh anak--berada di sampingku, saat aku harus meninggalkan dunia nanti?

What goes on in my head right now

1) I'm desperately need a BROTHER
2) I want a puppy, not a dog!
3) Hayley's red...............orange head!
4) Josh Farrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooo you're so hooot
5) Rooney. I dont know why
7) Thunder

Talk show? Talk blog.

Q: What is love?
A: Well, I'm not sure I've been there but I thought I have. So love is everything. It depends on your perspective And I guess love is a gift. I'm so thankfull if I'm in love, and somebody loves me too. Not everybody in this world had that both. And I think the most important thing in love is, because love is a gift then we should give it to other people too. And love is always gives, not asks.

Q: What is bitch?
A: Oh god lord. Bitch is a......crap. I don't know much about that 'holy' creature, but I guess nobody like them, except they want something from the bitches. But if love ever touches those bitch lover too, "I hope that will puts you through hell" bitch


I couldn't stop to be annoying
I won't stop until you realized that is the time
I found one new friend haha
I can drive you insane
I will find a way to break it all
I am crazy in love with someone <3



My only wish

Is seeing you again, with your laughter, HEALTHY. When you're okay everything's okay for me. I would replace you to feel those pain because I know you weren't born to get hurt, you were born to be loved :)

Hugs and Kisses and Loves,

At The Beginning

We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
Now here we are And I'm suddenly standing At the beginning with you
No one told me I was going to find you Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope You were there to remind me This is the start
And life is a road, and I want to keep going Love is a river I want to keep flowing Life is a road, now and forever Wonderful journey I'll be there when the world stops turning I'll be there when the storm is through At the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you

We were strangers On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming how our dreams would come true, Now here we stand Unafraid of the future At the beginning with you
Knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me, alone in the dark Now I know my dream will live on I've been waiting so long Nothing's gonna tear us apart
Look at me
I can't feel what is normal
One step closer
And I realize that I'm a loser
Touch my hand
Pegasus is not that far, I'm on his wings
Hold it
Damn it, please don't let it go
Hug me
I bet I saw a shooting star
Kiss me
I can't deny you are trying to kill me

Dear my hated friend,

Gua juga gabisa kalah bacot sama lo, tp cuma satu hal yang gua pengen bilang sama lo:
Just wait until you find ONE (and only) of your friend is backstabbing behind you. 

I know life is hard, but that is part of your life. You can't live in your friend's life, so if you can't through it all, you better DIE. Ohiya, GR lo tinggi juga. Lo kira gue cuma ngomongin tentang lo doang? Apa lo aja yang ngerasa karena lo emang SEBENARNYA udah ngelakuin semua hal itu jadi lo tersinggung? HA?  

Where the fuck is my quick edit icon~ uh crap

When I was deleting my inbox, I just noticed I got this email from my mom. And I agreed with that 'red word' below LIKE HELL, well actually, all of these words. But you should read it full, then you'll get the point. 

Ada seorang gadis buta yang membenci dirinya sendiri
karena kebutaannya itu. Tidak hanya terhadap dirinya sendiri, tetapi dia
juga membenci semua orang kecuali kekasihnya. Kekasihnya selalu ada
disampingnya untuk menemani dan menghiburnya. Dia berkata akan menikahi
kekasihnya hanya jika dia bisa melihat dunia.Suatu hari, ada seseorang
yang mendonorkan sepasang mata kepadanya sehingga dia bisa melihat semua
hal, termasuk kekasihnya. Kekasihnya bertanya, "Sekarang kamu bisa melihat
dunia. Apakah kamu mau menikah denganku?" Gadis itu terguncang saat
melihat bahwa kekasihnya ternyata buta. Dia menolak untuk menikah
dengannya.Kekasihnya pergi dengan air mata mengalir, dan kemudian menulis
sepucuk surat singkat kepada gadis itu, "Sayangku, tolong jaga baik-baik
mata saya." Kisah di atas memperlihatkan bagaimana pikiran manusia berubah
saat status dalam hidupnya berubah. Hanya sedikit orang yang ingat
bagaimana keadaan hidup sebelumnya dan lebih sedikit lagi yang ingat
terhadap siapa harus berterima kasih karena telah menyertai dan menopang
bahkan di saat yang paling menyakitkan. Hidup adalah anugerah Hari ini
sebelum engkau berpikir untuk mengucapkan kata-kata kasar -Ingatlah akan
seseorang yang tidak bisa berbicara. Sebelum engkau mengeluh mengenai cita
rasa makananmu -Ingatlah akan seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk
dimakan. Sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang suami atau isterimu -Ingatlah
akan seseorang yang menangis kepada Tuhan meminta pasangan hidup. Hari ini
sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang hidupmu -Ingatlah akan seseorang yang
begitu cepat pergi ke surga. Sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang anak-anakmu
-Ingatlah akan seseorang yang begitu mengaharapkan kehadiran seorang anak,
tetapi tidak mendapatnya. Sebelum engkau bertengkar karena rumahmu yang
kotor, dan tidak ada yang membersihkan atau menyapu lantai -Ingatlah akan
orang gelandangan yang tinggal di jalanan. Sebelum merengek karena harus
menyopir terlalu jauh -Ingatlah akan sesorang yang harus berjalan kaki
untuk menempuh jarak yang sama. Dan ketika engkau lelah dan mengeluh
tentang pekerjaanmu -Ingatlah akan para penganguran, orang cacat dan
mereka yang menginginkan pekerjaanmu. Sebelum engkau menuding atau
menyalahkan orang lain -Ingatlah bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang tidak
berdosa dan kita harus menghadap pengadilan Tuhan. Dan ketika beban hidup
tampaknya akan menjatuhkanmu -Pasanglah senyuman di wajahmu dan berterima
kasihlah pada Tuhan karena engkau masih hidup dan ada di dunia ini. Hidup
adalah anugerah, jalanilah, nikmatilah, rayakan dan isilah itu. 
TERULANG LAGI! Note : jika anda merasa tulisan ini bermanfaat utk orang
lainnya silahkan forward sebanyak2nya kepada rekan2 anda, semoga dapat
menimbulkan hal yg bermanfaat buat mereka. Terima kasih.

What should I call you?

Even things in this world would angry if I compare them with you. So what should I call you? 
Dog? No no. They're cute, and smart. They're higher than you
Crap? But crap could be so beautiful if we recycle it. It's potential. And you are not
Shit? Kinda fit on you. But no way. Still It's higher than you
Bitch? Hell no. They are WAAAYYY higher than you. 
What else? Oh wait. But I got a word for you. And it is soooo you: Nothing.

So everybody move to Twitter now huh?

And it's about following or be followed. I'd rather be followed. How bout you?


Hold up, let's we call it: the boredom of facebook. Soooooo yeah I think everybody have ever feel this way to. Like when you made friendster, and you moved on to facebook because your friends use it too, and moved again to myspace or twitter because you think it's better than facebook, and it will stay the same: you will always have that kind of boredom. Me and Yon feel it too so we try to find out another fun site, and I think adoptme.com isn't that bad. We (me and him) adopt a black labrador named Boxer :--) Actually he serves me some names: Bikini or Boxer? And I choose Boxer because I want a male dog. So we adopt Boxer and we take care of him everytime we're online. It's kinda fun because we do have same responsibilties, so we will feel we have to take care of him together, we're in the same boat, boy :) 

My life is on their lyrics!

So this is couples lyrics of my life. If, the singer is a girl, so it is me who is saying. But if the singer is a boy, it might my.........................someone :D who is saying. And it really happened in my real life. 

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin’ to pick a fight 

My Life Woud Sucks Without You - Kelly Clarkson. 

Check yes Juliet are you with me
Rain is falling down on the side road
I won't go
Until you come outside
Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings

Come stop your crying 
It will be alright 
You'll be in my heart - Phil Collins 

You know exactly what to do
So that I can't stay mad at you 
For too long, that's wrong
Hate That I Love You - Rihanna ft Ne Yo. (Rihanna's part)

Your friends they're jerks
When you act like them
Just to know it hurts
7 things - Miley Cyrus

I see the way you're acting 
like you're somebody else
It gets me frustated
Complicated - Avril Lavigne

So what if I see the sunshine
In the pouring rain
Some people think I'm crazy
But you said it's okay
You get me - Michelle Branch

Don't you worry, you're not alone
Inside your mind - Ryan Cabrera

Anyone who seen us
Knows what's going on between us
We could be in love - Lea Salonga ft *i-dont-know-who*

Cause when you're fifteen
Somebody tell you they love you 
Fifteen - Taylor Swift

Dedicated for someone who I love the most. By the way, I love you for all you are and everything you aren't :-*