An ordinary life...............for a fool.

Maybe people think that when you don't have friends, you could run away and find another friends who can be friend with you. Your new friend is so nice. You tell everything about your life, your problems, and share your happiness or maybe pain. And become a best friend. You think that it will last forever, and happily ever after. But you just an ordinary, sorry----a FOOL person because you didn't know what happened behind you. When your new friend get angry, or maybe hurt, your world can split and become a mess. It's a tricky life. Dont be shocked when you know you get trapped. It's normal, for a fool. Your new friend is an evil. Have they told you about that? Yeah. But you just wouldnt listen and thought that was only a joke. It WAS a joke. An evil's joke. Dont scream, dont be afraid. We only hurt you, or maybe the worst is: embarassing you. Oh really I'd love to laugh at you. It's gonna be fun! I'm going to show you what revenge is and how to kill someone slowly, from the inside. Then, I'll hurt you outside, and let you feel the pain until you die. Once again, Dont be shocked. I love this part. Its gonna be fun!!!!! <3>

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