My dearest Grannyyyyyy

I dont know why but i want to post a blog about my grandma. She is my deaaaaaaarest grandma because i dont have another grandma anymore. Yeah she was passed away. She lived with my family, here, in the same house. I usually called her Eyang Ti, and she doesnt want anybody to call her with her real name. Haha. Okay, the first reason why i love her just because she is my grandma. I dont want to be a bad grand daughter. I believe in karma ya know. Laugh at me people LAUGH. And the second is, she is sooooo loveable to me. She always treat me like a little girl. Really. Jadi cerita nya gini. Kan bokap gua ngajak ke ulang taun temennya, cuman gua males, tapi bokap gua membujuk2 gitu kan. Eh terus eyang gua bilang, "ayo ikut aja, entar dapet hadiah lho, dapet souvenir." Gossssh it feels like im having a very very long time ago flashback. No one treat me like that so far----after i grew up okay---except her. I dont have any idea why did she say that but i love that. It made my heart melt, but still i dont want to go to that party. But i cant get that word outta my head. Okay, go ahead. and the third reason is...........i look like her. Actually i look like my mom, but my mom look like her. My mom said i got my eyes from her. Mata gua katanya gak pure item2 amat, dan itu dari eyang ti gua itu. Thanks god. LOL. And the fourth reason is, she is my inspiration. She never give up. Not just because she is already become an old lady, but it doesnt mean she can only sleep and sit and sleep and eat and sleep. She is an active old woman. And the fifth reason is, i cant loose her. She is the only grandma which i have in this whole world. Terus suatu hari tuh eyang gua pernah nyeritain gua tentang jaman belanda dulu. Gimana keadaan perang, gimana rasanya, gimana caranya berlindung waktu perang, gimana dulu caranya supaya gak di tembak tentara belanda, EVEN SHE TOLD ME HOW HANDSOME THE SEKUTU ARE. Sumpah ya itu gua berjam-jam diceritain tentang itu. But i love it. Seru bgt berkhayal jaman belanda gitu. Kemana2 bule with his pointing nose and pale skin and cool uniform and a gun on his hand (L) but no one can replace my dearest Sue ;p And the next reason: me and her have the same genre of music. We like rock. Cuma gua dan eyang gua yang suka rock. Cool huh? Tiba2 tuh ya gua keinget sama Gee yang juga sayaaaaaaaaang bgt sama neneknya, Elena Lee Rush, yang terus dia bikin lagu Helena, yang kayaknya tuh ngungkapin sesal nya si gee gara2 ga ada di samping neneknya waktu nenek nya itu meninggal, and that makes me saaaad. Well, i think thats all. 



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